N'Golo Kante drives a banged up old Mini Cooper

N’Golo Kante is the most humble man in football

N’Golo Kante cruises around in a beat-up old Mini, frequents Asda for his grocery runs, and enjoys bonding with his supporters over a game of FIFA.

N'Golo Kante rides a bike.
N’Golo Kante rides a bike.

Here’s a profile on football’s most amiable player as he bids adieu to the Premier League:

The tale of Kante’s rise to stardom commences in the suburbs of Paris, where he excels as a teenager playing for the youth team of JS Suresnes, a local club. However, at that time, he’s noticeably smaller than his teammates. After being recognized as the player of the tournament, the diminutive midfielder (far left) watches as his friends lift his trophy.

N’Golo Kante in the youth team of local side JS Suresnes
N’Golo Kante in the youth team of local side JS Suresnes

Following a series of rejections from several Ligue 1 clubs, he secures an amateur contract with Boulogne. Despite playing for a third-tier team, he commutes to training on a child’s kick scooter. In addition to his football pursuits, he attends evening classes and earns accreditation as an accountant.

He turns out for the 3rd division side while traveling to training on a kids scooter.
He turns out for the 3rd division side while traveling to training on a kids scooter.

Upon joining Leicester in 2015, Kante’s teammates had to persuade him against running several miles to training every day. Additionally, Kante developed a friendship with a barber who supported Leicester and operated a salon called Suez Canal Hairstylz at a nearby mosque. Kante often visited the establishment and received haircuts for a mere £10.

Kante developed a friendship with a barber (Suez Canal Hairstylz)
Kante developed a friendship with a barber (Suez Canal Hairstylz)

Having made a pledge to abstain from running to work, Kante resolved to purchase a new vehicle. Despite his teammates opting for luxury cars like Bentleys and Range Rovers, Kante chose a cream-colored Mini Cooper. Even after damaging the car’s wing mirror in a collision with a lorry, he continued to use it as his mode of transportation to matches.

Kante goes for a cream Mini Cooper.
Kante goes for a cream Mini Cooper.

Years later, Kante still uses the cream Mini Cooper as his primary mode of transportation. Recently, he was spotted departing from Stamford Bridge following Chelsea’s qualification for the Champions League final.

When Cedric Kipre, a young academy player at Leicester, was evicted from his apartment, Kante extended a helping hand by offering him and his brother a place to stay for a month. Kipre expressed his gratitude by stating, “It was incredibly kind of him. N’Golo is one of the most modest people I’ve ever met.”

Cedric Kipre singles out N'Golo as most humble man on earth
Cedric Kipre singles out N’Golo as most humble man on earth

Upon joining Chelsea, the club proposed to deposit Kante’s wages into an offshore account. However, Kante refused and requested that his wages be sent to his regular bank account so that he could pay his taxes in full.

N'Golo Kante signing for Chelsea
N’Golo Kante signing for Chelsea

Despite earning a weekly wage of £290,000, Kante prefers to do his weekly grocery shopping at Asda, diligently looking for 2-for-1 offers. Additionally, he has little interest in lavish dining experiences and would rather enjoy a simple meal of dough balls and Sloppy Giuseppe at Pizza Express, rather than indulge in a gold leaf tomahawk steak.

Chelsea star N'Golo Kante poses for picture in Asda milk aisle
Chelsea star N’Golo Kante poses for picture in Asda milk aisle

On a separate occasion, Kante visited a restaurant in London where he made a significant impression on the owner. So much so, that the owner extended an invitation for Kante to attend his daughter’s wedding. Kante accepted the offer and arrived at the wedding donning his finest cardigan. During the event, he happily posed for photographs and mingled with the guests, engaging in friendly conversations.

Chelsea star N’Golo Kante turns up at fan’s daughter’s wedding
Chelsea star N’Golo Kante turns up at fan’s daughter’s wedding

When Kante missed his Eurostar train to Paris, he sought out a nearby mosque close to Kings Cross to perform his evening prayers. While there, he encountered an Arsenal fan who kindly invited him over for dinner. Kante accepted the invitation, and they returned to the fan’s home where they ordered a curry, played FIFA, and watched Kante’s highlights on Match of the Day.

Chelsea's N'Golo Kante eats Chicken Curry, watches football at fan's house
Chelsea’s N’Golo Kante eats Chicken Curry, watches football at fan’s house

Shortly after Chelsea’s 3-2 victory over Arsenal, Kante coincidentally ran into another supporter of the Gunners. Upon learning about the fan’s disappointment with the outcome of the game, Kante expressed his regret and apologized to the Arsenal supporter for the result.

Sorry': N'Golo Kante bumps into Arsenal supporter following Chelsea's 3-2 win over the Gunners
Sorry’: N’Golo Kante bumps into Arsenal supporter following Chelsea’s 3-2 win over the Gunners

During the World Cup celebration, the French team members took turns parading the trophy around the pitch in a jubilant display. However, Kante was too shy to request a turn with the trophy. Sensing Kante’s hesitance, Steven N’Zonzi intervened and grabbed the trophy before thrusting it into Kante’s arms, encouraging him to take his turn in the spotlight.

N'Golo Kante at 30: Too shy to hold World Cup
N’Golo Kante at 30: Too shy to hold World Cup

N’Golo Kante Places 5th at 2021 Ballon d’Or

N’Golo Kante with Ballon D’or On 8 October, Kanté was one of five Chelsea players included in the final 30-man shortlist for the 2021 Ballon d’Or. On 13 February 2022, he helped Chelsea to their first FIFA Club World Cup triumph in a 2–1 win over Palmeiras.

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